Wednesday, February 13, 2013

If you are not a christian

If you are not a christian....

Are you aware that the Bible indicates that we are all sinners?  We have all committed sins.  And, did you know that the God of the bible is a holy and righteous judge and therefore must judge people accordingly?  That's right, we all sin!  And the Bible says that each of us are accountable for our sins on judgement day.  A good judge says that justice demands payment for crimes.  He would be a bad judge if he didn't, right?  So, if you think that because you are mostly a good person and because of that you will go to heaven, you can see that that can't be true because of the character of God.  What can you do, you ask?  Well....YOU can't do anything to pay off your crime.  Only if a sinless person took your punishment in your place, would you be able to be free from your debt.  The Bible says that God loved you and I so much that he sent his only son to be punished and die in our place!!  He was crucified to death by people like you and me, then 3 days later he rose from the grave defeating death.  You see, Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life and he and only he has the ability to save you from your penalty by taking the punishment you deserve!  The Bible says that you will be forgiven if you turn to God in repentance and have faith in the Lord Jesus!  He will give you a new heart that will be forever changed in a way that you will desire to follow Jesus.  If you feel drawn by this, contact me or another christian you know and we can get you plugged into a church that will teach you more about God and the christian life.

Rick Haughton

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