Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Updates, Status, and Info from Rick

It is my turn to add to our blog once again.  I thought I would throw down some updates,  what we've been learning along the way, and how we are considering living over the next couple years at least.

For starters, we have been living in approximately 150sf and that has been a blessing!  We had many thoughts and reasons and ideas that prompted this trip and we are very happy that some of those ideas are paying off.  We've become closer as a family through limited space and because we are no longer so busy with out-of-the-home life even though we have been travelling and sight seeing.  It has been easier to form routines with studying Gods word and listening to teaching as a family.  We've had time to reflect on our approach on life and relationships while using God's word as our guide.  We've come to the conclusion that many have recently, that less is better.  Simplicity is better.  Less and Simple are better for us because 1.) we get overwhelmed pretty easy :).  2.) our time is available if we are needed to help others or create new relationships.  3.) we don't get caught up in unnecessary 'american dream' activities that are a waste of time.  4.) If God sends trials our way, we are more capable of handling them rightly.

Jenn and I have had a chance to reflect a lot on our lives over the past couple years which has been helpful in a lot of ways.  Our marriage has been strengthened due to spending more time together.  We've gotten a chance to learn about Gods grace more deeply together through sermons, books, and email and talking about it together.  Through studying we've become better communicators and peace makers all the while getting better at giving preference to others at all times.  We are starting to see it rub off on our kids :).  So, thanks be to God for all of this and much more.

Most of the sermons (that one is from the Liberate conference, from Paul Tripp) we've listened to have been from Coral Ridge Presbyterian about Gods liberating grace.  Most of the reading and studying we've done have been about communication, peace making, avoiding conflict, and conflict resolution.  We've come to understand more deeply that the freedom we currently receive and have already received in God's grace is a freedom from ourselves mostly.  Since Christ was perfect, we don't have to be... which kills self righteousness, defensiveness, the need to be in control, etc...  Since God loved us and gave us His son to die in our place for our sins, we are free to love others with similar sacrificial love and give our lives.  In other words, it doesn't matter that we ever get what we want (being right, defending ourselves, comforts, ambitions, relations, good kids, reputation, etc...).  We don't have to focus on our own needs/wants at all actually.  When we understand the gospel, we don't have the burden to earn Gods favor, or anyone else's favor any more and we are set free to fully give ourselves over to God and others sacrificially.  Before we were trapped in our own self righteousness, but now the gospel free's us. We have heard and been taught a similar message before but it was helpful for us to hear it from a different angle.  This takes time to sink in but it has been helpful for our family.  The sermons have been supplemented by the reading of Communication and Conflict Resolution by Stuart Scott.  One of the main points in the book is preferring others.  We have seen this working out in each other which has been evidence of Gods grace, but there is much more work to be done!   We recommend the book for married couples and families.  The other book we have been reading is The Dangerous Duty of Delight by John Piper. We haven't read this one in a while but If you have read any Piper, you'll know what I mean when I say this isn't necessarily a book for the whole family as study material....but that's what we used it as.  Although some of the points were difficult to grasp we came out appreciating a few main points that were also refreshingly new for us.  Piper talks about Christian Hedonism and how it is a good thing, if the hedonism is that we are seeking our joy from doing what God says.  Doing what God says is our duty and finding joy in life, for ourselves, is our duty (YES!) , so as christians it is our duty to actually seek out ways to find joy for ourselves....usually this comes in the form of serving/loving others which ties in to the joy of the liberating gospel I mentioned earlier.

On to our living situation.  We have met a few christian families who RV full time and have heard about more.  Most of those families have a lot more kids than us.  A couple of those families have 10 to 11 kids with them!  Their kids seem to enjoy it and the families find ways to serve while they are on the road.  The husbands and the wives that we've met seem to have close relationships and we have avenues to create relationships and evangelize just as much in this lifestyle if not more.  We are considering living in CDA for 4 months out of the year and living in the south during the other 8 months to keep our bones warm :).  We haven't determined what we'll do about a local church yet while we aren't in CDA but it is on our mind.  We have looked a bit into serving with Samaritans Purse which always has different locations to serve.  And, we've met other families that we might try to meet in certain cities and states here and there.  So, on to our living situation. our trailer has served us well but if we do this full time we will probably get something a bit more suited to full time, something a bit bigger and more sturdy such as a fifth wheel toy hauler.  The toy hauler portion will be where the kids room is and will allow for a bit more space for things like their instruments, games, books, etc...

We miss everyone and we are excited to come home and see everyone again.  We expect to be back home at the end of May.  We were going to try to make it home for the wedding of Rob Barnes and Lauren Heistuman, but we've decided to take our time back.  We are so excited for them!!

See you soon!


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